Monday, December 18, 2006


From Adam we learn that there is not need for a marriage.

From Seth we learn that procreation with your sisters is OK.

From Abraham we learn that a man can marry his sister – and lie about it. We also learn that if your wife is barren, she can give you her maid to impregnate.

From Lot's daughters we learn that if you don't have a man and you want a child, you can always just get your father drunk and have sex with him.

From Jacob we learn that a wife can be purchased by seven years of labor. We also learn that it is acceptable to deceive a groom into marrying the wrong woman and the marriage is valid. We also learn that having two sisters as wives is a blessing.

From Onan we learn that a man is obligated to impregnate his brother's widow. We also learn that when having sex with your sister-in-law, you are not supposed to pull out before ejaculating (it's wicked in God's sight).

From Salmon we learn that your son born of a prostitute will bring recognition and honor to your name for millennia and your descendant will be the Messiah.

From Ruth we learn that a woman belongs to her husband's family even after his death. We also learn that premarital seduction is honorable.

From David we learn that marriage (to one of your several wives) is for establishing connection into the royal family. We also find that if you kill a man to take his wife, she’ll provide you an heir who will be both wise and wealthy.

From Solomon we learn that a man can have as many wives as he can afford - along with twice as many concubines.

Paul tells us some very interesting things about marriage: It's better never to marry (unless you can't control your passions). And if do have a spouse and they are not a believer, then if s/he leaves you, let them go.

Even Jesus had some opinions about marriage: be sure to have enough wine at the ceremony and second marriages are adultery (even if the ex-spouse is a non-believer).

Yes, there is so much we can learn about marriage from Scripture. But one thing is clear: The idea of "one man, one woman" marriage may indeed be "traditional" but it certainly isn't Biblical.


Blogger grace said...

Hey Timothy! This is thought-provoking stuff. I was talking with a friend recently about how over the course of time God has allowed all sorts of different things related to the way people live and interact with one another. These specifics you mention point this out.

I'm looking forward to your blogging! Can I add you to my links?


11:26 PM  
Blogger Timothy Kincaid said...

hey I have a visitor :)

This isn't so much a blog of my daily thoughts...I mostly am just throwing things on here that I don't want to lose. I don't know how current I'll keep this but you are always welcome

12:12 PM  
Blogger D Stembridge said...

Thomas, you obviously have a very self-centered shallow understanding of scripture. Everything you mentioned has been posted out of context. I'm certain that Hitler and the many who obeyed his orders could have pulled some things out of the Bible to justify their vile actions...

Jesus quoted directly from the book of Genesis as literal history, to explain the doctrine of marriage as being one man for one woman. So, marriage cannot be a man and a man or a woman and a woman.

5:34 PM  
Blogger Cheryl said...


In the Bible, recorded history is full of people who did things that were contrary to recorded law and instruction.

It is legitimate and productive to wonder about those things, but studied insights come through an examination of commentary and comparisons drawn from other locations in scripture. The long-term outcome is also significant.

Also, it is tempting to draw conclusions based on a single, obscure passage or incident that may say what I wish it would (yes, me, too!) when the rest of scripture says nothing to support that view. If it is important, the Bible has a habit of repeating things. :-)

There is more I could say...but that is usually true!!!!. So, let me contribute one final thought.
I find it comforting to realize that God has always worked through imperfect, sinful human beings who violate His law, or I would be up a creek without a paddle.

Thank you for the opportunity to respond.


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7:53 PM  
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3:08 PM  
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3:23 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

مؤسسة مظلات سيارات جابر عبد الله بجدة 0500301445
خبرة 10 سنوات وأكثر فى مجال تركيبات المظلات والسواتر والهناجر والقرميد والمستودعات
مستودعات ‏-أفضل مقاول مستودعات بجدة-مؤسسة جابر عبد الله
متخصصون فى تركيب مستودعات بجميع الأحجام وبكل الأنواع لأصحاب الشركات والمستودعات الحكومية .مستودعات مجهزة بالكامل شاملة ‏الملحقات والخزانات والفوانيس والكشافات.‏
تركيب أحدث اشكال قرميد خارجي لواجهات المنازل والفلل|شاهد الصور
تركيب افضل مظلات للسيارات ومظلات استراحات الطرق والحدائق والأحواش بجدة|خصم20%‏
نضمن لكم أرخص أسعار صور مظلات السيارات مع تقديم أعلي المواصفات بحيث تحقق المظلة التأمين والحماية للكاملة ‏للسيارة من الحرارة العالية.‏
تركيب هناجر ومستودعات بتشطيبات على أعلي مستوي وبجميع المساحات المطلوبة تجدها فى مؤسسة هناجر جابر عبد الله.‏
من اعمالنا ايضا
مظلات حدائق
سواتر ومظلات
مظلات وسواتر جدة
سواتر ومظلات جدة
مظلات جدة
سواتر جدة
مظلات مسابح
مظلات خشبية
تركيب مظلات
تنفيذ صور مظلات
مضلات بجميع الاحجام

تركيب مظلة سيارات
مظلات خشبية
مظلات سيارات متحركة
سواتر قماش
سواتر حديد
أرخص اسعار مظلات السيارات
سواتر خشبية
اسعار الهناجر بالمتر
اتصل الان على 0500301445
لزيارة موقعنا الرسمي
جابر عبد الله

12:45 AM  
Blogger مظلات الإنجاز said...

تركيب هناجر وتصميمها هى من ضمن الخدمات التى تقدمها مؤسسة تصميم البناء الهندسى للمقاولات كما توفر الخدمات الاساسية الموافقة للمعايير المثالية فى تركيب الهناجر وذلك استكمالا لخدمات المؤسسة العامة فى مجالات: مظلات السيارات_ بناء بيوت الشعر_ تشييد السواتر_ تغطية الساحات_ نصب الشبوك وغيرها.
تركيب الهناجر لدينا يتم بعد جلب واستيراد أجود مواد البناء والحديد من النخب الأول عالى المقاومة ضد الظروف البيئية المختلفة مما يحجب تأثير تقلبات الأجواء ويمثل حاجز مثالى قادر على حفظ كل المحتويات التى يتضمنها الهنجر.
مؤسسة تصميم البناء الهندسى للمقاولات خبرة طويلة فى مجال تجهيزات وتنفيذ مشاريع الهناجر بأحجامها المختلفة على أيدى مهندسين وفنيين ذوى كفاءة عالمية.
توفر المؤسسة ما يلى:
هناجر ستيل
هناجر للزراعة
هناجر للسيارات
هناجر الطائرات
هناجر مستودعات
هناجر ومظلات
مخططات هناجر
عزل هناجر
هناجر الزامل
هناجر اوتوكاد
هناجر عملاقة
هناجر للايجار
هناجر مصانع
هناجر تجارية
هناجر صاج
قواعد هناجر
هناجر تبوك
هناجر دورين
هناجر بلاستيك
صيانة هناجر
للتواصل مع مؤسسة تصميم البناء الهندسى للمقاولات يمكنكم الاتصال على الارقام التالية

كما يمكنكم زيارة موقعنا على الرابط التالى

6:38 AM  
Blogger shadess said...

4ghwehrweh ehrrr

3:51 AM  

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